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California ATCT Facilities

California ATCT Facility Locations - Contact Information

  1. CNO - Chino ATCT

    kcno, chino, cno, atct, california
  2. CRQ - Carlsbad ATCT

    kcrq, crq, carlsbad, california, mccellan, palomar
  3. EMT - El Monte ATCT

    KEMT, emt, el monte, atct, california
  4. HWD - Hayward ATCT

    khwd, hwd, california, atct, hayward
  5. KSMF - Sacramento ATCT

    ksmf, smf, sacramento, atct, california
  6. KSMO - Santa Monica ATCT

    ksmo, smo, santa monica, atct, california
  7. KSNA - John Wayne ATCT

    ksna, sna, john wayne, atct, california, costa mesa, orange county
  8. KSTS - Santa Rosa ATCT

    ksts, sts, santa rosa, atct, california
  9. KTOA - Torrance ATCT

    ktoa, toa, torrance, atct, california
  10. KVNY - Van Nuys ATCT

    kvny, vny, van nuys, atct, california
  11. LAX - Los Angeles ATCT

    klax, lax, los angeles, atct, california
  12. LGB - Long Beach ATCT

    klgb, lgb, long beach, atct, california
  13. LVK - Livermore ATCT

    klvk, lvk, livermore, atct, california
  14. MRY - Monterey ATCT

    kmry, mry, monterey, california, atct
  15. MYF - Montgomery ATCT

    kmyf, myf, montgomery, atct, california, san diego
  16. OAK - Oakland ATCT

    koak, oak, oakland, atct, california
  17. ONT - Ontario ATCT

    kont, ont, ontario, atct, california
  18. PAO - Palo Alto ATCT

    kpao, pao, palo alto, california, atct
  19. POC - Brackett ATCT

    kpoc, poc, brackett, atct, california, la verne
  20. RHV - Reid ATCT

    krhv, rhv, reid-hillview, reid, hillview, san jose, atct, california
  21. SAN - San Diego ATCT

    ksan, san, san diego, atct, california, lindbergh
  22. SCK - Stockton ATCT

    ksck, sck, stockton, atct, california
  23. SEE - Gillespie ATCT

    ksee, see, gillespie, atct, california
  24. SFO - San Francisco ATCT

    ksfo, sfo, san francisco, atct, california
  25. SJC - San Jose ATCT

    ksjc, sjc, san jose, santa clara, atct, california, mineta